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Cute Kookaburra Bird in Stuttgart Zoo Video

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The Cute Kookaburra form a genus of birds in the family of kingfishers. To this genus includes four species, in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea occur. The Cute Kookaburra are large, up to 48 cm long, predominantly brown and whitish-gray colored birds. They live in family communities in open woodland, but also come in the parks of the city. They hunt mice and other small animals, especially reptiles and snakes. The boys help parents raise the next breeding, especially in Rotbauchliesten.

Cute Kookaburras are known primarily for his claim, which is strikingly similar to the laughter human, sound often used as background in films set in the jungle. Cute Kookaburras occupy forest lands in scattered family groups, and their laughter serves to demarcate territorial boundaries, like the call of many other birds.

Often the "laughter" of these begins when a solitary bird emits a few "giggles" hidden grimly through the almost closed beak. This initial "giggle" seems to give a signal to other Cute Kookaburras neighborhood, and they immediately fly to where the first bird. The group then throws his head back and through the air resounds a chorus of fun "laughter." Since each bird "laughs" in different tone and a different step, the overall effect is like a jovial atmosphere of a group Cheerful humans.

According to a study by an ornithologist, "laugh" of this bird seems to be connected with the territorial system between the Cute Kookaburras. As seen, the "laughter" of the Cute Kookaburras certainly is a serious aspect of life, part of the warning system that these birds used to indicate to others that have invaded occupied territory. And the voice warning is strengthened by flight patterns that use these birds to patrol the boundaries of their territory.

They are not fish eaters that are tied to water but birds that prey on rodents and other small pests, especially reptiles such as lizards and snakes. They live in families in which the half-grown boy helping parents to care for the next brood. In this way, they gain experience in brood care and increase the reproductive success of their parents.

Includes four species commonly called Cute Kookaburra. This term comes from the similar term in the language of the indigenous Wiradjuri guuguubarra, word onomatopoeic for the direction of these birds. The verse is one of the main distinguishing features of the Cute Kookaburra: these are in fact the usual issue of recalls strident quite similar to a laugh human. The Cute Kookaburras belong to the family Alcedinidae, the same as they belong to different species of kingfisher ; This is why these birds are also called kingfishers Australians.

Of these, the laughing Cute Kookaburra and the blue-winged Cute Kookaburras are the most common and well known; these two species share most of the areal and patterns of behavior, setting for this frequently in competition. All Cute Kookaburras are carnivores and insectivores; feed mainly on lizards, small snakes, insects and mice. Often also prey on the chicks of other birds, rapendoli from nests. It is not uncommon that some samples quite sociable -o coraggiosi- accept food from men, coming to feed from the outstretched hands; in some situations also coming to steal raw or cooked meat left open and unattended.

The Cute Kookaburra can be easily bred in captivity, especially if caught by small and carefully groomed can become good pets. However, their diet which requires raw meat may be difficult to satisfy, as well as the need to provide their cages sufficiently large to allow them to carry out even short flights. In addition, their shrill toward and acute is often troublesome for many people.

The mass distribution of Cute Kookaburras, also present in the residential areas, their lack of fear of humans and their insightful reminders have made โ€‹โ€‹these birds very popular in Australia, where they are regarded as a national symbol. A Cute Kookaburra was one of three mascot official XXVII Olympiad, which took place in 2000 in Sydney. The Cute Kookaburras are gregarious and territorial birds that live in small family groups consisting of a monogamous pair and offspring from previous litters, which help create the brothers. The birds in the flock communicate with each other often through loud vocalizations reminiscent laughter. The couple defends its territory aggressively from other members of their species and birds in general.

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