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6 Steps To Overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder | My Anxious Story (THE TRUTH) Video

Visit https://theanxietyguy.com/my-program/ for the #1 CBT Based Downloadable Program For General Anxiety Sufferers.

*Dennis is a fully certified CBT Life Coach that has helped thousands of people worldwide turn their generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) around naturally. A coach who continues to inspire people through the inspirational anxiety support podcast on iTunes.

Description: MOST anxiety gurus teach sufferers how to cope, not to end anxiety permanently. Breath... distract yourself... happy thoughts wait for it to pass.. You and I both know deep breathing and distracting yourself is not gonna work, all you're getting is band-aids to cover up the main issue.

As someone who has thousands of people overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic attacks, health anxiety and depression for many years, I want to share with you the ESSENTIAL steps to overcoming Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I can promise you with great certainty that if I can overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a time period of a few months after suffering for 6 years, you most definitely can as well.

GAD affects roughly 7 million americans and is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and quite often irrational worry about normal everyday situations which is quiet disproportionate to the actual source of worry. GAD sufferers often anticipate disaster and are extremely concerned over everyday matters such as money, family problems, work issues and health issues.

GAD appears to be more common in women then men and it may be difficult to pinpoint when and how the sufferer began suffering from GAD. The anxiety and over worry habit is usually present more days then not for at least 6 months, and there is a clear association between your anxiety and at least three of the physical symptoms on this list: sweating profusely, shortness of breath, sharp pains in chest or chest discomfort, palpitations of the heart (too hard and or too fast), trembling or shaking, nausea, dizziness and lightheadedness, hot flashes, consistently startled easily, sleeping problems, lump in throat, frequent urination, headaches, and trouble concentrating.

On the surface many people with GAD appear fine and seem to be going about their day normally without much problem, they seem relaxed and calm and as it was in my case can be viewed as possibly being the last person on earth to have an anxiety problem, but again the constant turmoil is continuos in their internal life.
GAD can linger on for years and if untreated through understanding and putting into action the learned steps mentioned in this program, it can possibly become more and more difficult to get and stay on the path to recovery.

Unfortunately many people because of their desperation to end their uncontrollable symptoms of anxiety and the fear of losing control of their mind, tend to look for a quick fix in the form of abusing anti anxiety prescription pills or turn to alcohol for the answers, although these quick fix solutions may feel great at the time, the human body tends to need higher doses of prescription pills in the long run to meet the same result you had when you first started, and alcohol can greatly backfire in the long run for overly anxious people (more on this later), since panic attacks generally go hand in hand with GAD, alcohol will stop your body from working at a peak level, due to the minerals and nutrients your body needs that will now be moved to the liver to help it metabolize the alcohol faster.

If you think that the next day after drinking alcohol was bad think again, the fear of recurring physical sensations and the experiences of the morning of your hangover can greatly add to the possibility of having multiple hangovers and panic attacks in the coming days, and they are not fun I can tell you from experience. Some of the causes of GAD come from:

Genetics – Family history appears to play a role in developing GAD, chances are higher that a person will develop GAD if another family member has had the mental illness in the past.

Environmental factors – these represent a major cause of anxiety for everyone, not only those that are prone to worrying, some environmental factors include: Divorce, school, stress, birth of a baby, stress in a friendship of family relationship, work stresses, marriage, natural disaster, death of loved one, or public performance.

Neurological causes – Some evidence can be made that differences in neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) play a role in causing GAD, these are: Seratonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine and gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). Research has also seen a positive effect over these neurotransmitters in the brain by altering them through anti depressants, but the long term side effects are just now coming forward in the form of sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, lethargy/fatigue, and vivid dreams and nightmares.

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