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Should You Bulk or Cut First? - Practical Tips Video

Should you bulk or cut first? Here's how to know based on your current physique to make the right choice.


In reality there's only 2 scenarios where a bulk leads to a favorable outcome:
1 - Naturally skinny newbie who never lifted weights in his life. In this case, a bulk is appropriate because the person most likely has a very high NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis).

And they burn a lot of calories through spontaneous physical activity.

These are movements like bumping your leg on the floor, playing with objects, changing position, and fidgeting in general.


Studies show that NEAT can play a huge role in how many calories people burn.

So in scenario 1 here the person needs to drastically increase his caloric intake to make any increase in weight.

2 - The second scenario where a bulk would be favorable is if someone who was in great shape has a long break from training and lost a lot of lean body mass. And now the person is still lean but they're a lot smaller than before.

In this situation, that person could do "bulk" for a short time and trigger the muscle memory effect to regain the lost lean muscle mass.

In all other situations i.e. guys who've been lifting for 1-2+ years bulking doesn't lead to a favorable ratio of muscle gain vs fat gain. The issue is that naturally, we can gain only so much muscle.

Typically year 1 = 20-25 lbs per year (bulk year), year 2 of training is half of that 10-12 lbs per year and year 2 + is 6 lbs per year or less.

For guys starting out with body fat above 14-15%, the best option would be to slowly cut down and focus on progressive overload while burning fat.

Bulking for anyone starting out skinny or a short bulk if someone has a break from training and is very lean.

In other scenarios, it's gonna be a cut. Slower cut for those who a leaner (skinny fat) or a more aggressive approach for overweight individuals.

The sweet spot you wanna get your body in is between 8% and 15%

So when you get to 8% you go into a lean gaining phase until you reach 14-15% body fat and then you lean down again.

Note: These body fat % are just estimates, typically you'd lean gain until you can see only the top of your abs and then cut again to where you're very lean.

Also, instead of only looking at the weight scale to gauge your progress, you want to make sure that you're progressively getting stronger in the gym.

That's gonna give you the highest Return on Investment with the way your body looks and performs in the long run.

For more fitness, nutrition and personal development tips check out:

Website: https://www.tomic.com
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