Chemical Warfare on the Human race - Chem Trails Geo Engineering HAARP Breaking News 2015 what have you seen in the sky where you live comments??? PART2 of 4 News Dangers of worldwide Government controlled ChemTrails major health risks PART1 of 4 News HAARP ChemTrails Weather Weapons Mind Control exposed PART3 of 4 Trails Military weather Manipulation health risks NASA Warning Breaking news 2015 PART4 of 4 News HAARP CHEM TRAILS weather manipulation worldwide weapons existed over 15 years testified USA Secretary of Defense Breaking News New Climate Geo-Engineering Chem Trails HAARP Mind control Military weather manipulation depopulation plan Bill Gates Financial elite Big Corporate wall street Government greed United Nations NWO Agenda 21 NASA Last days final hour news prophecy update Council Foreign Affair The Truth About Geo Engineering weather control Council of Foreign relations The Geoengineering Option A Last Resort Against Global Warming? news Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization Modification, Bill Gates and NASA 15, 2013 Serpentine cloud shapes snaked across the eastern Pacific Ocean in mid-January 2013. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite captured this natural-color image on , showing an area off of the west coast of the United States and Canada. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-West) also observed the ship tracks 2013 Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification: Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare is cloud seeding? 2013 IPCC warns not to stop chemtrails, aka 'solar radiation management offical document PDF file Gates' record as a depopulation enthusiast supports the argument that geo-engineering is a weather domination scheme that may be used as a weapon threatening the lives of billions of people Gates and Richard Branson Back Geoengineering to Counter Climate Change Schwartz Bill Gates Announces Funding for Seawater-Spraying Cloud Machines - Bill Gates Announces Funding for Seawater-Spraying Cloud Machines 2010 Science Magazine reports Bill Gates Funding Geoengineering Research the Site 🌐
This site provides links to random videos hosted at YouTube, with the emphasis on random. 🎥
Origins of the Idea 🌱
The original idea for this site stemmed from the need to benchmark the popularity of a video against the general population of YouTube videos. 🧠
Challenges Faced 🤔
Obtaining a large sample of videos was crucial for accurate ranking, but YouTube lacks a direct method to gather random video IDs.
Even searching for random strings on YouTube doesn't yield truly random results, complicating the process further. 🔍
Creating Truly Random Links 🛠️
The YouTube API offers additional functions enabling the discovery of more random videos. Through inventive techniques and a touch of space-time manipulation, we've achieved a process yielding nearly 100% random links to YouTube videos.
About YouTube 📺
YouTube, an American video-sharing website based in San Bruno, California, offers a diverse range of user-generated and corporate media content. 🌟
Content and Users 🎵
Users can upload, view, rate, share, and comment on videos, with content spanning video clips, music videos, live streams, and more.
While most content is uploaded by individuals, media corporations like CBS and the BBC also contribute. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users enjoy additional privileges such as uploading unlimited videos and adding comments.
Monetization and Impact 🤑
YouTube and creators earn revenue through Google AdSense, with most videos free to view. Premium channels and subscription services like YouTube Music and YouTube Premium offer ad-free streaming.
As of February 2017, over 400 hours of content were uploaded to YouTube every minute, with the site ranking as the second-most popular globally. By May 2019, this figure exceeded 500 hours per minute. 📈